Thursday, March 17, 2005

Neonatal Survival Series

"3 million out of 4 million neonatal deaths could be saved each year by the implementation of low-tec and low-cost interventions ... 99% of deaths in the first month of life (the neonatal period) occur in developing countries--yet virtually all published research on neonatal health concerns the 1% of neonatal deaths in the developed world."

The Lancet is publishing a series focusing on the health of newborns in underdeveloped areas around the globe.

This landmark series, published over the next few weeks in The Lancet addresses a major gap in the knowledge about causes of neonatal death and interventions of that could prevent it. According to the authors, this is an issue that is largely ignored by global health policy.

The first article, addresses the statistics of neonatal mortality, and the causes. The second paper, discusses cost effect methods of prevention. The third article covers issues of the lack of trained health care providers and lack of infrastructure which contribute to high mortality. The fourth article maps out a global strategy to reduce deaths.

In addition The Lancet is also publishing three original research articles relevant to neonatal health: a Brazilian study, a Nepalese study, and a study from Bangladesh.

It is an issue that can cause a stir in even the hardest of hearts. The Editors are welcoming feedback ... email