Thursday, January 05, 2006

Executive walk rounds (EWRs)

Executive walk rounds (EWRs) are a widely used to improve safety culture in hospitals. This study measured the EWRs for 23 clinical units in a tertiary care teaching hospital in order to measure the impact of EWRs on one important part of safety culture.

The result of the study showed that EWRs have a positive effect on the safety climate attitudes of nurses who participate in the walk rounds sessions. EWRs are a promising tool to improve safety climate and the broader construct of safety culture.

To read the entire article:
Thomas EJ, Sexton JB, Neilands TB, Frankel A, Helmreich RL.The effect of executive walk rounds on nurse safety climate attitudes: a randomized trial of clinical units [corrected] BMC Health Serv Res. 2005 Apr 11;5(1):28. Erratum in: BMC Health Serv Res. 2005 Jun 8;5(1):4.