Friday, March 18, 2005

The X Chromosome

It's all over the news. Yes, scientists have sequenced the X chromosome. Quite a breakthough.

The X chromosome is reported to be linked to more than 300 diseases. Also, this greater understanding of the gene sequence will allow scientists to find genetic reasons for why the sexes are different, beyond XX and XY. There is even thought that the Y chromosome may be on it's way out, over time having lost most of its genes! As a bit of a comparison the X chromosome has 1,098 genes while the Y has less than 80 genes. But, according to David Page at MIT (and a leader in the chromosome field) there is no real fear that the Y will fade away altogether.

The break though was published in Nature this week. The report is not for the faint-hearted, but if you like genetics, you're going to really enjoy the read. I myself enjoyed the NPR report, it's easier for the layperson to grasp!

Now that it's been discovered, I am not sure what to do with myself next week. ;)